Tuesday, August 25, 2015

halfway to baby?!

Somehow,we are halfway to meeting our little one!  I felt that the 14 weeks or so dragged by. Now all of a sudden the doctor is telling me it is almost time to preregister at the hospital and we are thinking about carseats, strollers, and all the baby gear.

sonnet james

So here it goes: 

Emotions: I am so much calmer (which I am sure everyone around me is happy about). I was in constant panic mode about the baby for a long time which put a lot of stress on everyone, including the baby. The days I was stressed, by the time I went to bed I could feel how sore my belly was. We have finally hit a time where we can be proactive about our family member's new arrival which goes a long way to calm my nerves. 

Physically: Oh, so much better! I thought at 12 weeks, I would magically feel like myself again but it took until 15 weeks. I have all my energy back so I am back to getting up before 7 and not begging for a nap by 11 am. My back is starting to hurt, I have never gained more than 3/4 lbs since high school so the 10 I have put on is torture for my body. My body looks really different everyday which is also funny, some days I look pregnant and other days I don't! I still run 3-4 days a week, do a weight/cardio class twice a week, and walk Nimitz twice a day. I am also hot as hell ALL the time. 

Eating: I am confident that about 3 pounds of my 10 pounds is from unhealthy eating choices the last few weeks. I love my family but they need to stop visiting! My mother keeps sending oreos and happy hippos (which are the best candies ever) plus big meals at home and eating out. I still have no weird cravings but can eat ALL the sugar. We have a homemade popsicle store in Gainesville that is delicious and I am guessing a tiny bit healthier for me that sayyyyyyy the french bakery.  We are hopefully going to be back to healthy eating this week

Drinking: 100 ounces of water a day still,which is quite the chore. I also started drinking coffee again in the morning to help with my headaches and my general happiness. We found a bar in Gainesville that will make custom mocktails for me! I miss going to grab a drink with Craig so this makes for an extra special treat. Plus, the bartenders are hilarious and they always work hard on new creations. 

Wearing: I can wear most of my clothes still. My stomach is NOT the problem as much other parts of my body( looking at you boobs and butt). I haven't really added anything to my closet since I have gotten pregnant but I know I will have to pretty soon. I will probably be doing a french lady wardrobe for pregnancy. 

Gender: AH! Craig knows and it is killing me. They turned off the main screen and had me turn on my side while they showed Craig the gender. I am still waiting to meet our little one to find out BUT I have a feeling it is a girl. 

Baby: I have felt teeny tiny kicks but the ultrasound tech said it will be awhile before I feel them all the time with the way my body has set up baby. We are right on schedule for our due date and baby is hitting average on everything except for it's legs. Baby has super long legs that are resting on my bladder! It is funny because every time we go they can barely get a still pictures because it's moving so much. That was one of my mom's biggest "complaints" about me when she was pregnant. I hope this means we have a runner on our hands.

Best Moments: Moving into a house we will bring baby home to. Seeing the baby on ultrasound, there is NOTHING like it. laughing at the texts from my family about their plans to make Craig tell them the gender. Picking out names. Designing a nursery. Being surprised in the middle of our anniversary dinner with a diamond band from Craig for becoming a momma. 

Not so great: back aches. Missing certain foods. Having to take more breaks. Trying to figure out what to register for. Strangers soliciting advice about what our life will be like.


  1. My guess is you're having a girl my friend!! :) Love your blog as always - keep posting!

    1. That's my guess too! Only a few more weeks! Croatia looks wonderful and so much fun!

  2. My guess is you're having a girl my friend!! :) Love your blog as always - keep posting!


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