Wednesday, July 15, 2015

so we are having a baby!

Well, the secret is out!  Our teeny one is due in January and we are so excited. We found out way back in May, after poking Craig awake at 3 am and whispering "I think I am pregnant." Which according to Craig is not the way to wake anyone up. But 4 tests later (because I didn't believe the first one) we knew that our lives had permanently and wonderfully changed. I honestly spent the first few weeks losing my mind over this big change, the concept of wanting and wishing for a baby is MUCH different then actually having one. It happened very fast and not on the timeline I imagined (shocking) so Craig spent a lot of time drying tears and announcing that we were going to get ice cream.  He is going to be the best dad, he has read a couple of books, researched diapers, strollers, and bought us a new house! He also was fascinated by the technology at the hospital and kept asking questions about it ha! We have been super busy which hasn't given us a lot of time for thinking about the reality of everything quite yet. I am going to be home for 2 consecutive weeks which is a big deal!

Here are a couple questions I've been asked:
How many weeks are you?
14 and a half.

How did you tell your family? 
My mom was told over the phone after a major meltdown and Craig's response was "you need to call your mom." She initially told me I was lying and after I assured her I was not, she started drinking wine and talking a million miles a minute.
For my dad we got him a beer mug that said Grandpa and took him to his favorite local happy hour. He also didn't get it/believe it so we ended up showing him the ultra sound which he stared at for like 20 minutes.
My inlaws we got a tiny gator stuffed animal (We live at the University of Florida after all) and sent them that and the ultrasound. My mother in law had already figured it out way before that so they weren't very surprised.

And my favorite: We sent all our siblings the envelopes above. It was a lot of fun AND torture waiting for all them to get it.

Have you been sick? 
  No, thank god! I still work out 5 days a week and can pretty much get through a normal day with the exception of a nap occasionally. I do get nasty migraine like headaches for a couple days at a time during which I am useless and highly unpleasant.

Do you have a bump? 
 Depends on you ask. Right now, I look like I have eaten too much most days but all my clothes still fit and I have added some softer Ts and t-shirt dresses to the mix.

 ALL the sugar. I can't get enough of it. It even borderline grosses me out. I also crave coffee which is a sick joke....

Are you going to find out the gender? 
NO! Actually, I was until after our first ultrasound during which I decided that I really wanted to find out the day I had the baby. However, Craig needs more prep time so he will be finding out in a few weeks and will have to keep it a secret.

Well there you have it! Now I am off to pack the house since we move into our new house soon!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to you both. Labor and delivery time will be a fascinating time for Craig if he likes to watch instruments and gauges :) It brought out the test engineer in Mark.


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