Monday, February 20, 2017

about me.

I thought I should take some time to re introduce myself since I haven't in awhile. Instead of doing the typical first date questions, I thought I would share some fun facts about myself.

1. I feel really silly writing here. I have tons of posts I've written and never shared. I also NEVER EVER tell anyone I have a blog. I started it in 2010 (yeah I know) when I was planning our wedding and love writing here. I sit down to write here three times a week but then never hit post.

2. I am a twin. This used to be a well known fact (we were usually referred to as the twins ), we were in every class together through 8th grade and did all the same sports. My twin is a foot taller, a much better dancer, and flies fighter planes for the Air Force. We were born 30 minutes apart so my parents consider me the baby of the family.  He also married one of my really good friends from high school (she used me to get to him haha)

3. Craig is my older brother's best friend from high school. My older brother and I didn't get along at all growing up which makes this even funnier. My dad told my mom I was going to marry Craig as soon as he called to ask me on our first date. ( I also repeatedly tried to break up with Craig the first few months we dated and he wouldn't let me)

4. I left a post it note on the fridge telling Craig I had bought our dog (Nimitz). I bought him on Ebay and he was on sale.  My whole family names their dogs after famous military figures. Admiral Nimitz was in charge of the Pacific fleet during WWII.  Nimitz loves birthdays and we take him out for ice cream every year for his.

5. I genuinely like running. I ran until the day before I had Isla. I also have asthma so you can usually spy my inhaler in any running pictures.

6. I LOVED teaching middle school and coaching. I never thought I would become a middle school teacher.  I actually chose Auburn because it was a good vet school but I decided to teach at the end of my senior year of high school.

7. I hate online shopping. I almost never buy anything unless it's from Amazon, I much rather go to a store. We don't live close to any good shopping so I wish I was better at buying things online.

8. I have lived in 19 houses. My dad was in the Air Force and Craig is in the Navy so we move a lot. Charleston was hands down the best place we have ever lived while Seattle was the most interesting. I have also lived in Saudi Arabia, Rhode Island, and Germany. We are actually moving back to Seattle semi permanently in 2019.

9.Sunglasses are my favorite item to purchase and I have more pajamas than any one person should be allowed to have. I have gotten my pajamas hemmed and monogrammed because I love them that much.

10. I disliked being pregnant so much. I felt out of my element and crazy for the entire 9 months. I also didn't know Isla was a girl until 32 weeks when my Craig finally had to tell me. He found out at 18 weeks and kept it a secret! Thankfully, I love being a mom much more

Well, there you have it. I would love to know something fun about y'all!